Ms aposiOpesis

Ms O's troupe of tangents, affair of asides, multitude of meanderings, bevy of blatherings.

Random Facebook Thoughts, 3.17.20


The facts pretty much point to the majority, perhaps vast majority, of all humans will get this thing. Truth.

For most of us, we’ll be fine. A few sucky days, then done.

For some of us, maybe we NEVER know we have it, even. But we CAN still spread it, including to those in the next group:

Older folks. People undergoing chemo. People with asthma (me), diabetes (me), heart trouble, immune issues (me), on immunosuppressants, and any number of other underlying conditions.

We’re not staying home because we’re afraid of getting C19 (though that’s part of it), we’re staying home because we are decent human beings who care about the wellbeing of others.

COVID19 will run its course, no matter what. Angela Merkel recently said she expects 70% of Germany to get it. Probably the same here in the states. Most of us will be fine.

But it canNOT all happen at once. We need to let this thing run its course, but slowly. For those of us who end up in hospital, if it happens all at once, we’re doomed.

Our government didn’t cause this (neither did anyone, not the Chinese, anyone, so stop with the racism, Mr. President). These things happen. No one caused the Spanish Flu, either. This is just life. But–our government failed us, HUGELY, on several fronts. It’s absolutely criminal. So, we look to state governments to fill the void, and some are wonderful (Minnesota) and some are shyte (Florida).

This could have gone soooo much better. We had ample warning as we’re weeks behind most of the world and we knew what was coming. This lack of preparedness and mishandling falls precisely at the feet of our current administration, one more shameful bungle in a long list.

And it should haunt them forever.

It’s going to get very bad out here. Right now we’re on the edge of the cliff, momentum pushing us off but-not-quite-there, but that fall will happen. And it’s going to be bad.

So, we step up. Every one of us. Share goods, teach lessons, sing a song, call an older person, read factual news backed by scientists, TURN OFF FOX, take a walk and wave at neighbors, and eventually, help each other grieve, hold each other up, clear paths for each other.

If you have money, go buy gift certificates from local businesses that are shut down. Order meals to be delivered to those shut in and at high risk. Go grocery shopping for someone. Buy a CD from a musician without work during this time.

If you don’t have money, you can check in with people. You can play games with friends via app or facetime. You can listen.

We. Can. Do. This.

And we must.

Much love!

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